Hey Ladies! Did you know that beyond all the marketing and hype surrounding soy products that it is actually not good for you? A lot of soy milk and other soy product proponents seemed to be on the right track in the 1990s as they helped to get consumers away from the often unsafe cow’s milk available then—but times have changed, and organic milk and milk products aren’t on the chopping block anymore.
But here’s the thing: we now have healthy alternatives within the world of dairy, not the least of which is the dairy used to make the all whey protein used in all of the Only Protein products. Other examples include completely antibiotic-free milk and dairy products free of rbST (Recombinant bovine somatotropin)—a synthetic protein that forces cows to produce more milk. Only Protein never uses dairy that contains these chemicals, by the way.
But there’s so much more to the story. Soy is actually dangerous to women who are genetically predisposed to breast cancer, most specifically, estrogen receptor-type breast cancer. But why? Because soymilk contains estrogen-like phytoestrogens, called isoflavones, which can upset the natural hormonal balance in women… and in men as well!
Unfortunately in most instances, soy and soy-based products are not GMO-free, and often contain a multitude of chemicals, including monosodium glutamate (MSG). Soy is also infamous among those in the know for being difficult to digest, causing bloating, gas, fatigue, and can even worsen the symptoms of PMS in women.
Because of the risks associated with soy and soymilk, Only Protein will never use soy in our meal replacement and protein powder products. If you are a huge fan of soy and just can’t bring yourself to ingest any kind of dairy, including organic whey, we’d strongly encourage you to take a look at almond milk or hemp milk rather than going the generally simpler consumer route of just accepting soymilk as your only nondairy option.
Need a soy-free protein powder? Look no further! Click here to find a store that sells Only Protein near you!